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iRobot Roomba Combo Essential robotstøvsuger, sort

iRobot Roomba Combo Essential robotstøvsuger, sort

 5 anmeldelser
1 869 kr
5+ stk på lager: 2-4 dage
Gratis fragt
  • 24 måneders garanti

  • 30 dages returret

  • Sikre betalingsmetoder

e-ville Google Review ★★★★☆ 4.3

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Hurtige fakta

  • Robotstøvsuger og moppe
  • Fleksibel navigation
  • Planlægger rengøringen
  • Lang batterilevetid
  • Fjernbetjening med iRobot-app'en.
iRobot's newest model, Roomba Combo Essential, is an affordable and easy-to-use 2-in-1 robot vacuum and mop. Roomba Combo Essential offers all the same essential cleaning functions as the highly popular Roomba 600 series, but with even better performance and a range of new features that make personalized cleaning even easier.

The Roomba Combo Essential robot features a mopping function and an 18 times stronger suction power. The robot navigates efficiently and cleans accurately in tidy rows, allows for adjustments to suction power and liquid settings, and creates Clean Map reports. Additional advantages of the Essential model include longer battery life, cleaning suggestions that simplify the planning of cleanings, and smart iRobot OS automations like "Clean while I'm away from home."

iRobot developed the Roomba robot vacuum more than 20 years ago with the goal of making cleaning easier and helping people accomplish more. With this robot, anyone can acquire iRobot's 2-in-1 cleaning robot, whether you are a recent graduate, have just purchased your first home, or simply want to try automated cleaning for the first time.

Get your floors clean more easily than ever

The new basic robot Roomba Combo Essential is an affordable 2-in-1 robot vacuum and mop equipped with all the important cleaning functions and the iRobot OS operating system. Roomba Combo Essential is always up to its tasks, whether you need light and quiet vacuuming or more thorough deep cleaning. Just one tap in the iRobot Home app, a simple voice command, or a press of the CLEAN button, and the robot gets to work. Roomba Combo Essential utilizes intelligent navigation, allowing it to clean in tidy rows and to maneuver smoothly under and around furniture.

Roomba Combo Essential has a stylish, low profile and a four-stage cleaning system consisting of adjustable suction and liquid settings, a wedge-shaped brush suitable for different surfaces, an edge-cleaning brush, and a built-in micro-pump mop. Together, these functions can vacuum and mop hard floors at the same time. When you need just vacuuming, you simply need to detach the mopping pad, after which Roomba Combo Essential will only perform vacuuming. The 18 times more powerful suction and 120 minutes of battery life ensure just as effective cleaning as is currently needed.

Carefully selected functions that leverage the iRobot OS operating system allow for the customization and automation of individual cleaning routines. Three suction power levels and three liquid level settings can be chosen depending on each cleaning task. The "Suggested Cleaning Schedules" feature recommends optimal cleaning times based on previous tasks, and the "Clean while I'm away from home" feature enables the Roomba Combo Essential to start cleaning automatically when the user leaves home. Once cleaning is complete, users can download detailed Clean Map cleaning maps via the iRobot Home app, showing where the robot has cleaned. The app can also check other useful information, such as the extent and duration of completed cleaning tasks.
Tekniske specifikationer


Mål (robot):
Højde: 8,0 cm
Bredde: 33,0 cm
Længde: 33,0 cm
Vægt (robot)
2,8 kg
Effektivt filter
2600 mAh Li-ion
12 måneder
Mængde (støvbeholder)
400 ml
Mængde (mopbeholder)
200 ml
Producentens navn: Shenzhen Kin Yat Power Electronic Company Limited
Producentens postadresse: 111 Buckingham Palace Road, SW1W 0SR, London, GB
Producentens e-mailadresse:
Producentens hjemmeside:


  • 1 x iRobot Roomba Combo Essential robotstøvsuger, sort
Samlet bedømmelse: 3

Produktet har i alt 5 anmeldelser

Hyvää jälkeä tekee, ei paha ääninen.

Hyvinkin hintansa väärti ollut!
Positiivinen yllätys, täysin riittävä pienen kolmion siistimiseen. Yksi miinus käyttömukavuuteen tulee harjaksien siistinä pitämisestä, mutta siitäkin selviää :)
Vähän vahdittava tapaus ei meinaa imuroida koko taloa ikinä. Muuten hyvä ollu tähän asti. En ole kokeillut moppaus toimintoa.
Omistanut 3 hyvää Robotti-imuria. Tämä imuri on ensimmäinen huono. Valkkaa aina jonkun alueen mitä sitten hinkkaa 30 min eikä siirry mihinkään. Kun törmää seinään niin seuraavaksi ottaa vauhtia törmätäkseen samaan seinään ..toistuvasti Kirsikkana kakun päällä on , että ääneksi on valkattu hyvin tylyn kuuloinen naisen ääni.
Imuri on ollut nyt jonkin aikaa käytössä... Imurin sovellukseen tuleva kartta on yhtä söhryä, jos se sattuu tulemaan sovellukseen.. imuri ei opi huonejärjestystä, imuroi mistä sattuu ja eikä voi valita mitä alueita siivoaa. Nytkin on jo neljättä kertaa sohvan alustaa imuroimassa, keittiö ja makuuhuone on imuroimatta. Soveltuu EHKÄ asuntoon missä on hyvin vähän huonekaluja ja huoneita.

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